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Annual General Meeting: Hong Kong Company Performance & Investor Update

annual general meetings in hong kong


What is the Annual General Meeting in Hong Kong?

In Hong Kong, AGM stands for Annual General Meeting. It's a yearly mandatory meeting where company directors present financial reports, discuss future plans, and allow shareholders to vote on important matters.

An annual general meeting, or AGM, is a key event for all Hong Kong companies.

Held once per year, the AGM provides a forum for company directors and shareholders to discuss the company's performance and strategy.

It's also an important opportunity to vote on key decisions and appointments.

In this article, we'll explore the following key questions about annual general meetings: What is an annual general meeting for Hong Kong companies? What happens during an annual general meeting? And why are they so important for Hong Kong businesses?

The AGM is a chance for company directors and shareholders to come together and discuss the company's performance.

This includes reviewing its financial results, discussing any major changes or challenges that have taken place, and setting future goals.

It's also an opportunity to vote on important decisions, such as appointing new directors or changing the company's registered office.

Why Annual General Meetings are Important

Annual General Meetings are important because they allow shareholders to have a voice in the management of the company.

AGMs are required by law for Hong Kong companies and must be held at least once per year.

Annual meeting materials are distributed to shareholders in advance.

These materials contain information about the meeting, like the agenda, financial statements, and proposed resolutions.

Proxy materials are also often included.

This allows shareholders who cannot attend the meeting to appoint someone else to vote on their behalf.

Here are some things to note about AGMs in Hong Kong:

  1. The purpose of the AGM is to allow shareholders to discuss and vote on the company's financial reports, as well as elect directors and other officers.
  2. Shareholders are also allowed to raise any concerns they may have about the company at the AGM.
  3. The AGM is an important opportunity for shareholders to stay informed about the company's operations and make decisions that will affect its future.

Companies Registered Under a Former Companies Ordinance

Companies that were registered under the previous Companies Ordinance might need to revise their rules, specifically their articles of association, if they want to skip having an AGM. This possibility is outlined in sections 612(2) and 613 of the current Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622).

According to Section 612(2)(a), single-member companies with only one shareholder don't have to hold AGMs.

Furthermore, Section 613 allows companies to decide not to hold AGMs by passing a written resolution or voting at a general meeting in which all the members participate.

Deadline for AGMs

Hong Kong law mandates that all companies hold an annual meeting within designated timeframes.

These deadlines vary based on the company's classification (private company, public company limited by guarantee, etc.) and the length of their accounting reference period.

For most companies, the AGM must occur within 6 months of the accounting period's end.

Private companies and companies limited by guarantee have a slightly longer window of 9 months.

There's also flexibility for companies with a shortened accounting period due to a director's resolution.

Missing these deadlines can incur fines for the company and its responsible officers.

holding an AGM in hong kong

How to Call and Hold an AGM

An annual general meeting (AGM) is mandatory for all companies incorporated in Hong Kong.

All public and private companies must hold a yearly AGM, during which directors and shareholders can discuss matters related to the company's development and operations.

The meeting also allows shareholders to ask questions and cast their votes on resolutions put forth by the directors.

An AGM can be called by either a company's directors or shareholders.

The procedure for calling an AGM meeting is as follows:

  1. A notice of the meeting must be issued at least 21 days before the date fixed for the meeting.
  2. The company secretary must give the directors of the company a copy of all relevant documents relating to items on the agenda for discussion at least 14 days before the date fixed for the meeting.
  3. A list of members eligible to attend and vote at general meetings must be available for inspection by shareholders during an AGM.
  4. An annual report on the company's affairs, including the annual financial statements, must be presented to shareholders at every AGM.
  5. The directors of a private limited company are not required to appoint an auditor or prepare financial statements for annual general meetings, but they should keep proper accounts and records of the business in Hong Kong.
  6. At least one director must be present at the meeting, and shareholders holding not less than one-tenth of the total voting power must be present in order to constitute a quorum.
  7. A majority vote is required for resolutions to be passed. If the number of votes cast in favor and against a resolution is equal, the chairman of the meeting may exercise his casting vote.
  8. The official minutes should be kept by either an officer or member appointed at the AGM, and must be signed by them as soon as reasonably practicable after the conclusion of proceedings.
  9. If a meeting is adjourned, a notice of the next adjourned meeting must be given as soon as possible to all members entitled to receive it and within 30 days after such an adjournment takes place.
  10. The company secretary should keep written records of all business transacted at general meetings and provide these documents upon request to shareholders within seven days of the meeting.
  11. The company secretary must give notice of any adjournment made at an AGM or a resolution passed during such proceedings as soon as possible after it takes place and before giving effect thereto for members who have not received that information.
  12. A copy of these notices should be filed with the Companies Registry.

The directors of a company are responsible for calling an AGM and ensuring that all relevant documents are prepared and circulated in good time to shareholders.

It is important that a quorum is present at the meeting in order to pass resolutions, and directors should be aware of their responsibilities under the law when it comes to holding AGMs.

Hong Kong companies must comply with the Companies Ordinance in order to hold a valid AGM.


The annual general meeting of a company is an important event in its calendar, as it provides directors and shareholders with the opportunity to discuss matters relating to the business's development and operations.

AGMs must be held by all companies incorporated in Hong Kong, and there are strict laws governing how they should be conducted.

The Companies Ordinance outlines exactly what needs to happen at an AGM, from preparation through to ensuring adequate quorums for resolutions being passed during proceedings – which may include appointing auditors or amending articles of association that affect future decisions made within private limited firms operating locally here on HK Island (such as changing who has power over management).

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Vivian Au

For many years, I worked at big accounting and company secretary firms in Hong Kong. I started Air Corporate to make the life of entrepreneurs and SMEs easy.

Vivian Au

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